Morton Arboretum (Lisle)
Morton Arboretum
Tree museum
The Morton Arboretum is located in Lisle, IL. With more than 220,000 different types of plants and 1,700 acres, the Arboretum is a great location for your portrait session, wedding or special event. There are literally hundreds of different types of backdrops and secluded locations. I have photographed here many times and know of many great locations for beautiful photographs!
The Morton Arboretum requires a photography permit to be purchased no later than three days prior to the day of the shoot. The price of the permit depends on type of photos to be taken and the number people in the photos. Generally, the Arboretum charges an entrance fee per person. which is waived for all subjects involved with the photo shoot.
Portrait photography : $50 (4 or fewer people) / $150 (5-19 people) / $175 (20+ people)
Prom : $200
Last minute permit requests : $25 fee in addition to permit price
Attractions: 26 miles of bike and walking paths, many lakes/rivers, incredible natural backgrounds, gardens, children garden, maze garden, large open fields.
The Morton Arboretum has PLENTY of parking throughout the park. There is a MASSIVE parking lot near the visitor center on the East side of the grounds. The parking places are listed on the Morton Arboretum map as P#.
EAST SIDE PARKING LOTS and ATTRACTIONS (click for map of East Side).
P1 - is best used if you would like to take photos at Meadow Lake, near the Children's Garden, near the Maze Garden, Hedge Collection and 4 Pillars.
P3 - for the large hill south east of Meadow Lake and East of the Childrens Garden.
P4 or P5 - for Crabapple Lake.
P13 - for Big Rock Visitor Station (the Big Rock is a solid 1+ mile hike from any parking).
P17 or P18 - for trees of Japan.
WEST SIDE PARKING LOTS and ATTRACTIONS (click for map of West Side).
P21 - Thornhill Education Centers
P27 (on Alternate Route) - Lake Marmo
P29 (on Alternate Route) - Hemlock Hill and Spruce Hill
P25 (on Main Route) - Prairie Visitor Station, Schulenberg Prairie
P30 (on Main Route, just past the alternate route intersection) - Birch Family.
Information on planning a visit to Morton Arboretum:
For information on photography permits:
Maps and directions:
Below are examples of some photos Dabo's FOTOS has taken at the Morton Arboretum: